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30 Days to Understanding the Bible: A Book Review

by Jack Wellman
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The book, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Dr. Max Anders, will do just what the title says; help you understand the Bible better, and do it in only 30 days. Why the Book? Knowing Dr. Anders’ background, and the fact that he was originally part of the series, Walk Through the Bible Ministries, […]

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Do Ancient Biblical Manuscripts Prove That The Bible Is True?

by Jack Wellman
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Wow can we be sure the ancient biblical manuscripts are from the originals and that these manuscripts are what the current Bible is based up? Mountains of Manuscripts If we say that there is a “mountain of evidence” in biblical manuscripts, we would not be exaggerating. The enormous amounts of ancient biblical manuscripts and copies […]

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Is God Different In The Old Testament Than In The New?

by Jack Wellman
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Did God change from the Old Testament to the New? Was God more violent and harsh in the Old Testament than in the New? Old Testament Sometimes, people have difficulty reading the Old Testament because there is so much violence. They might read how God commanded Israel to completely annihilate the pagan nations that were […]

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Does Your Character Speak of Your Christianity?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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No matter what is happening in your life, do people know to whom you belong? Do they look at you and see just another human making it through life? Do you display traits and behavior that point to Christ? Really, does your character speak of your Christianity? If not, make a resolution to change your […]

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Great Bible Verses For Christmas Eve And Christmas Day

by Jack Wellman
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Christmas time is one of the most wonderful times of the year, so here some Christmas Bible verses you can read for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be […]

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Lies and Delusions – What Not to Trust for Salvation

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. Though there are so, so many other things that people tell you that you can to do to gain eternal life. Here are just a few that I have found as I looked into what are considered lies and delusions and what NOT to trust for salvation. You […]

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John 17 Commentary: God’s Promise to Keep Us

by Pamela Rose Williams
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It can be a very hopeless thing to believe that once God has saved you from certain death that you can be lost (unsaved). God promises that no one can pluck us out of His hand once He gives us eternal life (John 10:28) and that once we are saved because we believe that Jesus […]

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What The Bible Says About Submitting To Human Authority?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about submitting to human authorities while we’re in this world? Submit to God Until a person submits to God and repents of their sins and puts their trust in Christ, they cannot be saved. We must submit ourselves to God and obeying the command to repent (Act 17:30-31). Submitting to […]

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The Truth: Only Found in the Bible

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Some might say that truth is relative. What they mean by this is that you can “stretch” the truth based upon the situation. So then, if you are in a bad situation and the truth might bring about something unpleasant, then you can change the truth to suit your need. But the fact of the […]

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What Is Adoptionism? Is It Heresy?

by Jack Wellman
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What is adoptionism? Why is it a dangerous belief to hold to? Adopted by God Before we discuss what adoptionism is, we need to know about biblical adoption, and that is God adopting us. The Apostle Paul explains that “he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy […]

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