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10 Inspirational Bible Verses To Help You Through Today

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 10 Bible verses that can get you through the toughest days, containing precious promises of God. Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able […]

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What’s the Difference Between Listening to And Hearing the Word?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said that everyone who hears His words and keep His words will receive eternal life, so what’s the difference between listening to the Word of God and hearing the Word of God? Hearing the Word Jesus said that everyone who hears His words and keep His words will receive eternal life, so what’s the […]

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Why Does God Allow Us To Be Afflicted?

by Jack Wellman
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Sometimes, life can become overwhelming, so why does God allow us to be so afflicted in this life? Overcome Sin Sometimes, life can become overwhelming, so why does God allow us to be so afflicted in this life?  Doesn’t it seem that God’s blessings and going through afflictions in life are opposites of each other?  […]

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How Does the Holy Spirit Work In Our Lives?

by Jack Wellman
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Every believer has the Holy Spirit inside, but how does the Holy Spirit work in the life of the Christian? The Trinity Every believer has the Holy Spirit inside, but how does the Holy Spirit work in the life of the Christian?  The Bible is full of references to the Three Persons of the Trinity; […]

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What Will the Last Days or End Times Be Like?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible refers many times to the last days or the end times, so here’s how the Bible describes the last days or the end times. Business as Usual The Bible refers many times to the last days or the end times, so here’s how the Bible describes the last days or the end times. […]

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How Do You Overcome Evil With Good?

by Jack Wellman
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We are commanded to overcome evil with God, but how do we do that? What’s that look like in life? Overwhelming Evil We are commanded to overcome evil with God, but how do we do that? What’s that look like in life? The Genesis’ account of the great flood in Noah’s day tells us much […]

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What Do You Do When God Says “No”?

by Jack Wellman
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It’s easy to rejoice before God when He answers our prayers, but what do you do when God says “No” to what you’ve prayed for? When God is Silent It’s easy to rejoice before God when He answers our prayers, but what do we do when God says “No” to what we’ve prayed for? My […]

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How to Avoid Liberal or Apostate Seminaries, Pastors and Churches

by Jack Wellman
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Liberal or apostate seminaries, pastors and churches are now greater in number than churches and seminaries that are biblically sound, and it’s only going to get worse. Finding a Seminary I tried finding the top rated seminaries in the U.S. but found a mixed bag of very liberal seminaries and a few sound ones (like […]

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What Do You Do When It Seems God is Silent?

by Jack Wellman
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It’s easy to feel that God has turned away from you in silence, but what’s really happening? What do you do when it seems God is silent? Answered Prayer The Psalms are full of accounts where God answered their prayers and in ways that only God could, but the Psalms also have chapters that are […]

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What is the Chief Goal in the Life of Every Believer?

by Jack Wellman
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Everybody has goals in life, or at least they should, so what is the chief goal in the life of every believer? Created for a Purpose Everybody has goals in life, or at least they should, so what is the chief goal in the life of every believer? Before we even begin to think about […]

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