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Great KJV Bible Verses About Prosperity and Adversity

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Have you ever thought that prosperity and adversity are direct opposites? Generally, when you think of the opposite of prosperity you think of poverty. And, when you consider the opposite of adversity you might think comfort or success. In the Bible we will see that, as odd as it may seem, prosperity and adversity directly […]

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What Is Christian Mysticism?

by Jack Wellman
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What is Christian Mysticism? Is it dangerous? The Mystics Christian mysticism refers to the development of mystical practices and theory within Christianity, but this is also sometimes referred to as mystical theology. The early church had a history of seeking the mysterious like visions, dreams, and times of deep meditation and prayer, but this can […]

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What Is The King James Only Movement?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the King James Only Movement? Do they claim all other Bible versions are inferior? Strengths and Weaknesses The King James Version is one of the most widely read and beloved translations of any on earth, however it is losing some of its popularity today because of the many updates of the various translations, […]

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Is Paradise And Heaven The Same Thing?

by Jack Wellman

Jesus told the thief on the cross he would be with Him today in paradise, so where is paradise? Is it heaven? Bosom of Abraham Jesus told the account of the rich man and Lazarus, and it was not in the context of a parable, because Jesus had been using parables a few paragraphs before […]

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Choose You This Day – Salvation or Condemnation?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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We are all born condemned to an eternity separated from God. Did I get your attention? Simply stated, the Bible says that we are all lost because of our sin. But the good news is that we can make a choice to change our path from condemnation to salvation. And you know what? It is […]

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Who Was Gamaliel, The Apostle Paul’s Teacher?

by Jack Wellman
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Who was Gamaliel, the Apostle Paul’s early teacher? The Gospel of Jesus Christ When God called Saul, whose name was later change to Paul, he became the Apostle to the Gentiles, even though He was nearly at the top of the Jewish religious world, being a Hebrew of Hebrews, he says. First of all, he […]

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What Does Christian Unity Look Like?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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United we stand – divided we fall. Right? This is a Biblical principal that Jesus shared when he was speaking a parable to His disciples “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against […]

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What Is Biblical Textualism?

by Jack Wellman
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What is biblical textualism? Is it a good thing or should Christians be warry of it? Textualism and the Law Textualism is a formalist theory in which the interpretation of the law is primarily based on the ordinary meaning of the legal text and where no consideration is given to non-textual sources, such as the […]

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What Happens To Time In The Kingdom?

by Jack Wellman
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Wan time exist outside of matter? Will time exist after the kingdom of God arrives? The Kingdom of God Jesus spoke often about the kingdom of God, so what exactly is the kingdom of God? Is it heaven? Is it Paradise? Is it the Church? Is it the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:1-4)? Jesus must have […]

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Are You Ready or Not? A Christian Study

by Pamela Rose Williams
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No doubt at some time in your life you have needed to be ready for something. It started out as a young child — get ready for school, get ready for supper, get ready for bed, right? And it continued into your teens as you were perhaps planning a getaway for which you needed to […]

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