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Does The Bible Teach We Should Pray For The Dead?

by Jack Wellman
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Does Scripture teach us that we should pray for the dead? Is there any value to it? Pray Always One of the first things I noticed that the Bible teaches about prayer is to pray as often as you can. The Apostle Paul says, “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17), but that doesn’t mean we […]

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Why Did Jesus Call Judas To Be A Disciple?

by Jack Wellman
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Why would Jesus call Judas to be a disciple or an apostle, knowing He would betray Him? He must have had good reason, and He did. Jesus Calls the Twelve In Luke 6, we see Jesus selecting the Twelve Apostles, calling “Simon, whom he named Peter, and Andrew his brother, and James and John, and […]

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What Is A Crisis Of Faith? Are You Having One Now?

by Jack Wellman
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What is a crisis of faith and what do you do when you have one? Losing Faith What happens when you’ve lost your faith? What do you do when you feel your spirit’s broken and now you’ve entered a crisis of faith? Maybe we can look to Scripture and see what the other saints did […]

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Who Were The Super-Apostles Mentioned In Scripture?

by Jack Wellman
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The Apostle Paul mentions “super-apostles,” so who were they? Were they really superior to other the other apostles? Apostles In the beginning, Jesus Himself selected 12 apostles, but today, many proclaim that they are apostles of God, but what is an apostle, and can anyone claim to be one? The word apostle comes from the […]

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What Is The Sovereignty Of God?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible teaches that God is sovereign over all things, but what does that mean? Is there still free will? Sovereign The word sovereign means, “Highest, supreme,” or “chief.” The idea is that whoever is sovereign are superior, ruler, and master of all. Ancient kings were sovereign over their kingdoms, having power over everything and […]

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I Think I’m Saved But I’m Not Sure

by Jack Wellman
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If you’ve ever doubted your salvation, you’re not alone, but there are ways you can make your election and calling sure. Examining our Faith I am actually glad when people do not take their salvation for granted or tell me or someone else they’re not sure they’re saved. Besides, many of the greatest saints of […]

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What Is Spiritual Growth According To The Bible?

by Guest
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What is spiritual growth, according to the Bible and how can we grow spiritually? A Lack of Knowledge When we think of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He has made for us, there should be no doubt that our spiritual growth is something of great concern to the Lord. Jesus lived His […]

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Is It Biblical To Declare And Decree?

by Jack Wellman
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Is positive confession or to declare and decree biblical? God Spoke When God speaks, things happen. Even the gospel itself has the power of God in it (Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 1:18), so when God speaks, His Word shall be fulfilled. God says, “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it […]

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5 Inspirational Bible Verses To Read After A Hard Day’s Work

by Guest
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Here are 5 inspirational Bible verses to help you defeat your exhaustion after work. Everyday Solutions The Bible offers answers to all manner of everyday problems in life, even within the context of the busy modern world. You may be one of the millions who work hard every day, and struggles to enjoy your evenings […]

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How You Can Draw Closer To God

by Jack Wellman
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If you desire to draw close to God and stay there, here are some ideas on how to do that. Meditating on the Word I believe that meditating on the Word of God is a lost art today. It is one thing to read the Word; it is altogether different to contemplate the Word. I […]

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