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20 Bible Verses About Hope: Uplifting Scripture Quotes

by Josh Wiley

Are you needing to be uplifted and comforted today? These Bible verses about Hope will do just that for you. Take a deep breath and read through them slowly. We all too  often rush through things in life ( I am  guilty of this myself) and miss what God is telling us. God led you […]

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Rob Bell’s Hell

by Jack Wellman

Rob Bell, founding Pastor of the Mars Hill Church in Michigan with 10,000 congregants, has been stirring up much controversy in the evangelical community with his new book “Love Wins”.  He is essentially saying that if God is love, why would He send people to eternal damnation in hell and suffering for eternity?  He believes […]

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10 Amazing Bible Facts

by David Peach

The Bible has so many amazing facts. Here is a list of ten of them. 1 – The Writing of the Bible The Bible was written over a 1600 year period by approximately 40 men. The time of the writing was from 1500 BC to AD 100. 2 – The Divisions of the Bible While […]

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Does the Bible say What the Devil, Satan, or Demons look like?

by Jack Wellman

Have you ever wondered what Satan or the Devil looks like?  What about demons?  What are their appearances?  Does the Bible say what Satan or the demons look like?  Are demons fallen angels?  Is so, why did they fall away and did they become demons? What Satan Does Not Look Like First of all, the […]

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Bible Verses About Children- 25 Inspirational Scripture Quotes

by Josh Wiley

The word of God contains so many great Bible verses about children. Anyone raising children knows how difficult things can get but also what a blessing the children are. I have put together a  list of Bible verses to help understand what the Bible says about children,  the importance of raising and teaching children and […]

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5 Famous New Testament Stories For Children

by David Peach

  Feeding the 5000 – Matthew 14:14-21; Mark 6:33-44; John 6:1-14 A large group of people followed Jesus into the mountains. Jesus taught them all day. When the sun started to set, the disciples realized that the people had not eaten and could not easily return to the city to get food. Jesus asked Philip […]

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Is Smoking Cigarettes a Sin?

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for Is Smoking Cigarettes a Sin?

Will a Christian who has been born again be lost if they don’t stop smoking?  Is it sin for a Christian to smoke?  If a Christian smokes, does it mean they really aren’t saved?  Is smoking and being a Christian incompatible? The Definition of Sin The Bible gives us the proper definition of sin.  It […]

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Thanksgiving Bible Verses: 15 Great Scripture Quotes

by Josh Wiley
Thumbnail image for Thanksgiving Bible Verses: 15 Great Scripture Quotes

Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect and be thankful for all that God has given us. There are many great Bible verses for Thanksgiving to reflect on. Although we mostly consider Thanksgiving Day to be something that is celebrated only in the United States of America, did you know other countries celebrate similar holidays […]

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5 Popular Old Testament Stories For Children

by David Peach

  The Creation of the World – Genesis 1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Those are the opening words in the Bible. We are told that God created the universe and everything in it in six days. Then on the seventh day He rested. Day 1 On the first day […]

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Cord of Three Strands: A Model for the Christian Marriage

by Jack Wellman

What does the Bible say about marriage?  What did Paul mean that it is better to remain single?  Did he mean that singleness is preferred above marriage?  What are biblical principles and guidelines for both husband and wife?  How can divorce be avoided?  Does God permit divorce?  Is marrying outside of your faith biblical? Marriage […]

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