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Bible Stories About Faith: 5 Great Scripture Summaries

by David Peach
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The Bible is full of stories about faith. Here are just five of my favorites. Abraham- Old Testament  Bible Story of Faith Abraham is mentioned several times in the Bible for some of the great things he accomplished, but Romans 4 says that he was saved because of his faith and not because of this […]

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What is the Unforgivable Sin? A Biblical Analysis

by Jack Wellman
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An old friend of mine called me up and wanted to talk with me.  He was troubled in his spirit.  He had doubts about his salvation and whether he had fallen away from the faith.  In his mind, he had committed the unforgivable or unpardonable sin.  Can someone sin a sin so great that God […]

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10 Cool Bible Verses For A Bad Day

by Josh Wiley

Are you having a bad day? The Bible has several cool Bible Verses and scripture quotes to help Christians brighten up or reflect on their attitude for the day. I will keep this post short and just list the verses as that is what you came here looking for. Also, Check out this uplifting song […]

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Samson and Delilah: Sunday School Lesson With Sample Questions

by Jack Wellman
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The story of Samson and Delilah is one of the best known biblical stories in the Old Testament and is a great Bible story to study in Sunday School.  It reads like a classical Hollywood movie script.  It has a hero, a villain, a plot, and a sad conclusion with justice prevailing in the end. […]

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Bible Stories About Forgiveness: 5 Inspirational Scripture Summaries

by David Peach

The Bible is one long story of how God reaches out to show His love and forgiveness to mankind. In Genesis 3:15 God gives His first promise of a Redeemer who would forgive the world of their sin. God gives various stories in His Word demonstrating forgiveness. Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25, 27, 32, 33)- […]

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Bible Verses About Sin: 10 Important Scriptures

by Josh Wiley

What does the Bible say about sin? The Bible is very clear on the subject of sin in that everyone is guilty of sin, God hates sin, God found a way through Jesus for us to be forgiven of sin. Feel free to use these sin Bible scriptures for a devotional, Sunday school lesson or […]

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The Beatitudes: Sunday School Lesson and Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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What is called the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, is actually a God-breathed statement of the ethics of the Kingdom of God.  The Ten Commandments mostly dealt with external applications of the Law but the Beatitudes where concerned with internal matters of the heart. They are not to be seen as superseding the Ten […]

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How to Become a Christian Missionary: Following God’s Call

by David Peach
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Following God’s call to become a Christian missionary is a great way to serve the Lord. However, there is more involved than just declaring that the person wants to be a missionary. Each mission field, mission agency and mission work will have its own special requirements. The person interested in mission work needs to take […]

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Bible Verses About Strength- 25 Encouraging Scripture Quotes

by Josh Wiley

Bible Verses about strength must start and end with God. It is the power and strength that comes from God that carries us on. As Christians we need to surrender to the strength that God provides and His strength is made perfect in our weakness. As you read through these scripture quotes about strength be […]

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Bible Summary and Study on Love: 1 Corinthians 13

by David Peach
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In the middle of the Apostle Paul’s exposition on spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 is the often quoted chapter on love: 1 Corinthians 13. While Paul recognizes the importance of the spiritual gifts and their place in the Christian’s life, he tells that there is something superior to these gifts. Without […]

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