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21 Uplifting Quotes for Times of Despair

by Pamela Rose Williams

In our journey here on earth sometimes we experience a complete loss of hope; this is what we call despair. For the Christian we have the blessed hope which is that day when Jesus will come to redeem us and take us to heaven for eternity. Until that day we need to remember to focus […]

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10 Famous Christian Missionaries

by David Peach

There are many famous Christian missionaries throughout history. While we may not agree with every one of them from a doctrinal standpoint, they are an inspiration and example to those of us who are serving the Lord as missionaries today. Here is a list of 10 famous missionaries and what they are known for. I […]

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10 Short Inspirational Bible Verses For Strength

by Josh Wiley

Are you seeking strength from God today? One of the most read articles on this website is 25 Bible verses about strength and you can check out that article if you are looking for a deeper study. I wrote this article with short inspirational Bible verses as I pray you will find a verse that […]

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Who Is Jesus?

by Jack Wellman

It depends on who you ask when you ask them who Jesus was.  Most everyone in the world has heard about Jesus Christ but depending on their beliefs or culture, they have differing views of just Who Jesus was and is. What Buddhists Believe About Jesus Buddhists believe that He was very influential but that […]

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15 Best Christian Wedding Songs

by Pamela Rose Williams

Looking for some good Christian wedding songs?  Well, I’m glad you stopped by WCWTK because I have chosen fifteen best Christian wedding songs and have listed them here for you.  Planning a wedding takes time; don’t forget to give some attention to the music, it will set the mood for a wonderful wedding ceremony. Many […]

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Should a Christian Be Cremated?

by Jack Wellman

What does the Bible say about cremation?  Is it a sin to be cremated?  Does it make a difference to God? What Does the Bible Say About Cremation? The Bible is actually silent as to whether a deceased person should or should not be cremated or burned.  There are examples of burning the bones of […]

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10 Good Christian Marriage Rules

by David Peach

Here are ten good rules to help make your marriage stronger. End the Day With a Clean Slate The Bible says in Ephesians 4:26 to not let the sun go down while you are still angry. Make it a goal to clear the air with your spouse on a daily basis. Fortunately, most days there […]

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Bible Verses for Soldiers: 20 Great Scripture Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
Thumbnail image for Bible Verses for Soldiers: 20 Great Scripture Quotes

I praise God that I live in a nation that is protected by soldiers, both men and women, who wake up every morning with just one goal in mind: to fight for freedom. Because of what they do the United States of America remains free. Soldiers spend many days, weeks, months and even years away […]

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How Do Christians Explain Evolution?

by Jack Wellman

How should a Christian respond to a question over evolution?  What would you say to someone who believes in evolution?  Can a Christian believe in evolution and be saved? How Should a Christian Respond To a Question Over Evolution?  I have been asked many times by Christians and non-believers about evolution.  They asked me what […]

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10 Awesome Attributes of God

by David Peach

When we talk about the attributes of God we are talking about His nature—who God is in His manifested character. These 10 attributes are not the only ones set forth in scripture. However, these will give you a better appreciation of who God is. Omniscient God knows everything and His knowledge is complete. This is […]

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