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What Do You Do When It Seems God is Silent?

by Jack Wellman
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It’s easy to feel that God has turned away from you in silence, but what’s really happening? What do you do when it seems God is silent? Answered Prayer The Psalms are full of accounts where God answered their prayers and in ways that only God could, but the Psalms also have chapters that are […]

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What is the Chief Goal in the Life of Every Believer?

by Jack Wellman
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Everybody has goals in life, or at least they should, so what is the chief goal in the life of every believer? Created for a Purpose Everybody has goals in life, or at least they should, so what is the chief goal in the life of every believer? Before we even begin to think about […]

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7 Things That Will Hurt Your Spiritual Growth

by Jack Wellman
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Every believer will face trials, tests and tribulations. The question is, how will we react to them under pressure? Here are 7 things that will hurt your spiritual growth. Our Temper Every believer will face trials, tests and tribulations. The question is how will we react to them under pressure? One guy said that he […]

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How Liberal Seminaries Are Ruining Churches

by Jack Wellman
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Today, there are more liberal seminaries in America than there are sound ones so how are these liberal seminaries training pastors for disaster behind the pulpit? Liberal Seminaries Today, there are more liberal seminaries in America than there are sound ones, so how are these liberal seminaries training pastors for disaster behind the pulpit? As […]

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Why The World is Hurtling Toward a Great Tribulation

by Jack Wellman
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Everywhere you read, it seems there’s bad news, and it’s only going to get worse and worse up until Jesus’ returns. The Bad News Everywhere you read, it seems there’s bad news, and it’s only going to get worse and worse up until Jesus’ returns. There are not only rumors of wars, but actual wars […]

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What David and Jonathan’s Relationship Teach Us About the Covenant of Friendship

by Guest
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What does David and Jonathan’s friendship teach us about what it means to be a true friend? Friends What does David and Jonathan’s friendship teach us about what it means to be a true friend? Deep within the pages of scripture, we can find many stories of friendship. From the unique relationship between Abraham and […]

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The Difference Between the Spirit’s Conviction and Satan’s Condemnation

by Jack Wellman
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So many people live with unnecessary guilt and shame, so what’s the difference between the Holy Spirit’s convicting us of sin and the Devil’s condemnation of us. The Accuser So many people live with unnecessary guilt and shame, so what’s the difference between the Holy Spirit’s convicting us of sin and the Devil’s condemnation of […]

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What is a Mentor? How Do You Mentor Someone?

by Jack Wellman
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What is a mentor? What does a mentor do or how do you mentor someone or allow someone to mentor you? What is Mentoring? Mentorship is the influence, guidance, or direction given by a mentor. A mentor is someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person. A […]

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Bible Verses That Prove Jesus is God

by Jack Wellman
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There is no doubt that Jesus is God and to remove all doubt, let’s examine these Bible verses that prove Jesus is God. God With Us There is no doubt that Jesus is God and it’s so easy to remove all doubt by examining dozens of Bible verses that definitely prove Jesus is God. To […]

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Turning the Hearts of the Fathers to Their Children -Malachi 4:6

by Jack Wellman
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What did Malachi mean when he wrote about turning the hearts of the fathers to their children? What does Malachi 4:6 mean for fathers today? A Father’s Impact What did Malachi mean when he wrote about turning the hearts of the fathers to their children? What does Malachi 4:6 mean for fathers today? Fathers have […]

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