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5 Ways for Christians to Fight Bad Habits

by Guest
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Believers can face roadblocks in their spiritual growth but the Word of God can help us face these bad habits and overcome them. Roadblocks For believers, bad habits become a roadblock for their spiritual growth. Some Christians will blame others, their circumstances, parents or teachers for developing bad habits. However, bad habits don’t have to […]

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Does God Use Evil Governments as Judgements Against Nations?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God use evil governments that rule in nations as a form of His judgment against them? God’s Rod of Correction Does God use evil governments that rule in nations as a form of His judgment against them? If you look at ancient Israel, we must say, “Yes.” God does use evil nations to judge […]

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7 Bible Verses to Read During Financially Hard Times

by Jack Wellman
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Times are getting worse and worse and financial catastrophes are increasing, so what 7 Bible verses can encourage us during these financially hard times? First Peter 5:6-7 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares […]

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How You Can Be More Like Jesus Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Don’t we want to be more like Jesus Christ? Here’s one of the best ways to do that. Be Forgiving Don’t we want to be more like Jesus Christ? Here’s one of the best ways to do that. One of the greatest and most loving acts of God was the sinless Son of God going […]

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Why Churches Are Forsaking the Gospel for Pragmatism

by Jack Wellman
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More and more churches are forsaking the gospel to appeal to people’s senses and draw them to the church for the wrong reasons, and it’s called, pragmatism. Pragmatism More and more churches are watering down or forsaking the gospel to appeal to people’s senses and draw them to the church for the wrong reasons. It’s […]

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What the Bible Says About Church Leadership and Humility

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible teach about church leadership and humility? Moses’ Example What does the Bible teach about church leadership and humility? Moses was said to be the meekest man on the face of the earth (Num 12:3-5), but he would have been the last one to say that publically. If someone says, “I am […]

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How the Book of Jude Addresses the Last Days

by Jack Wellman
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The Book of Jude seems as if it’s almost written for today and it really is, because these are the last days leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. The Last Days The Book of Jude seems as if it’s almost written for today, and it really is, because these are the last days […]

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What Does the Bible Say About the Care of Animals?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about the care of animals, even those in the wild? And it Was Good What does the Bible say about the care of animals, even those in the wild?  In the beginning, God created everything and declared it good, and that must have included the creatures He created. Did you […]

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How to Overcome Your Fear in Sharing Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Many Christians find it a fearful thing to share Christ with the lost, so how can Christians overcome their fear in sharing the gospel? Fear of Man Many Christians find it a fearful thing to share Christ with the lost, so how can Christians overcome their fear in sharing the gospel? To begin with, we’re […]

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The Tragic Witness to the Lost When Christians Persecute Christians

by Jack Wellman
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How sad it is when believers attack other believers, especially over non-essentials. What damage we can do as a witness for Christ. Who Are You Persecuting How sad it is when believers attack other believers, especially over non-essentials of the faith. What damage we can do as a witness for Christ, but it’s also the […]

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