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How to Praise God in the Storm

by Jack Wellman
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Is it even possible to praise God in the middle of a storm? I believe it is, and here’s how. Even When it Hurts Is it even possible to praise God in the middle of a storm? From my own personal experience, this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life; […]

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How to Make Disciples and Disciple or Teach New Believers

by Jack Wellman
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The Great Commission, given as an imperative command by the Lord Jesus Christ, is to make disciples and disciple new believers, so how can we do that? What’s that look like? Disciples Forsake All (mostly) The Great Commission, given as an imperative command by the Lord Jesus Christ, is to make disciples and disciple new […]

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How to Thank God for Your Sorrows and Problems

by Jack Wellman
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When we go through great trials and suffering, it’s so hard to be thankful to God, but we need to understand that our troubles can actually help us. Here’s how. Walk a Mile With Sorrow The following poem may be one of the best examples of how our troubles and sorrows help us. They help […]

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Why is There Repetition in the Bible? Why Does God Repeat Himself?

by Jack Wellman
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Ever wonder why God repeats Himself in the Bible? There’s very good reasons for this. Remembering by Repetition God’s Word says of us “that we should be called children of God; and so we are” (1 John 3:1), and what parent hasn’t had to repeat something to their children; perhaps even hundreds of times! I […]

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Will Evil Be Called Good And Good Be Called Evil In The Last Days?

by Jack Wellman
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Are we living in the last days when evil will be called good but good will be called evil? Are These the Last Days? Are we living in the last days when evil will be called good and good will be called evil? The Apostle Paul told Timothy “that in the last days there will […]

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What Does “An Eye For An Eye” Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people used to quote, “An eye for an eye,” so what does that mean? Does it mean we can get revenge? What it Doesn’t Mean Many people used to quote, “An eye for an eye,” so what does that mean? Does it mean we can get revenge? The often quoted Bible verse you occasionally […]

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15 Inspiring Bible Verses for Graduation and Graduates

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 15 inspiring and encouraging Bible verses for the College or High School graduates or for graduation cards. Graduates This is a huge time in your life. You are at a crossroads now, and you’ll be faced with some very tough decisions and your faith might create some conflicts in your career, so here […]

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Will the Russian-Ukraine War Lead to World War Three? The Bible on End Times

by Jack Wellman
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Is it possible the Russian-Ukraine war might lead to World War Three? What does the Bible say about the end times and wars? Only God Knows Is it possible the Russian-Ukraine war might lead to World War Three? What does the Bible say about the end times and wars? The quick answer is, “I don’t […]

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21 Great Christian Quotes About Mothers

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I am blessed to have many jobs in my life here on Earth, but without a doubt my most important and honored job is that of being a mother. God has blessed us with many children and even lots of grandchildren. Since I believe being a mother is a blessing and an honor I thought […]

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What Does Isaiah 6:8 Mean, “Here Am I, Send Me?”

by Jack Wellman
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When the Lord asks who shall go for them, Isaiah quickly answers, “Here am I. Send me,” so what does this message mean to us today? Who Shall Go? When Isaiah “heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us” (Isaiah 6:8a), it seems to imply that […]

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