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Top Reasons Why Christians Need to Abstain Mindfulness Meditation

by Guest
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Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s how to be holy, stay humble, and be hungry for more of God and His Word. Meditation Why should Christian mediate on the Word of God? There are several beneficial reasons you need to know about. First of all, mindfulness meditation has […]

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How to Live a Victorious Life by Surrendering to God

by Jack Wellman
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The irony in living a joyful and victorious life is that we must surrender to God, even while making every effort. Surrendering The irony in living a joyful and victorious life is that we must surrender to God, even while making every effort, even though it’s not our effort that helps us live a victorious […]

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How to Be Holy, Humble and Hungry Believers

by Jack Wellman
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Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s how to be holy, stay humble, and be hungry for more of God and His Word. Becoming Holy Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s why God desires we become holy, stay humble, and be hungry […]

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Frequently Asked Questions for New Christians

by Guest
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If you’re a new Christian, you’ve probably got several questions, so here are answers that new Christians need to know. FAQ’s If you’re a new Christian, you’ve probably got several questions, so here are answers that new Christians need to know. When a person becomes a member of the Church, similar to membership in any […]

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How to Live a Happy and Joyful Christian Life

by Jack Wellman
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How can believers have a more joyful and happier life? There are ways, but some of it depends on us and some of it depends on God. Happy in Him How can believers have a more joyful and happier life? There are ways, but some of it depends on us and some of it depends […]

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Psalm 23, the Good Shepherd and the Christian Life

by Jack Wellman
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Psalm 23 is called the Lord is My Shepherd, but what does that mean for Christians today? Sheep It sounds cute that members of Jesus’ Body, the church, are called sheep. Aren’t sheep cute…even adorable? The fact is, it’s not really a compliment to be referred to as sheep. Of course, it’s great that we […]

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Modern Day Examples of False Teaching Creeping into Churches

by Jack Wellman
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Many Christians may not even notice it, but false teaching is creeping into our churches and some are perverting the gospel. Here are examples of these false teachers slipping into congregations around the world. Sinister Ministers Many Christians may not even notice it, but false teaching is creeping into our churches more frequently today than […]

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How to Glorify God Every Day of Your Life

by Jack Wellman
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How can Christians glorify God in their everyday life? Here’s a few ideas. Your Time How can Christians glorify God in their everyday life? Here are a few ideas. For one thing, you have three invaluable things you possess. Your time, your talents, and your treasures and all three can glorify God. Let me ask […]

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How Does God Create A New Creation In Christ?

by Jack Wellman
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How is God able to make us into new creations in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:17)? Here are ways He does that. The Old Man I heard one preacher say he is sick and tired of sin, and can’t wait to be saved to sin no more. He meant on the day of Christ’s return […]

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Is America Turning to Socialism?

by Jack Wellman
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According to recent trends, it appears America is turning to socialism? If so, what does that mean for the nation’s future? Free, Free, Free According to recent trends, it appears America is turning to socialism? If so, what does that mean for the nation’s future? American adults generally support making tuition free at public colleges […]

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