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How To Put God First In Your Life

by Crystal McDowell
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Is God really first in your life? Many Christians respond that they put God first, family second, and everything else afterwards. The fruit of whether God is first in your life revolves around the following questions: Is God first in your relationships? “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love […]

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God Hates The Sin But Loves The Sinner: Is This In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you heard the saying that God hates the sin but loves the sinner?  Can that be found in the Bible?  How can God love us while hating our sins? What is Sin? Sin is transgression of the Law of God (1 John 3:4) and sin is lawlessness or the breaking God’s Law’s (1 John […]

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Why Do Christians Say Amen?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Sometimes we say it without even thinking. Sometimes we say it with great fervor in response to something we have heard. Sometimes we say it to voice our agreement with another believer. But why do Christians say amen? Where did we get that from? When I was a little girl I was taught that saying […]

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How To Help Your Children Discover Their Gifts

by Derek Hill
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Psalm 127:3 – “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Children are one of the biggest blessings we receive from God.  They are also one of the biggest responsibilities we receive from God.  As your kids (and mine) get older they will feel a need to belong […]

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How To Trust God In Your Finances

by Crystal McDowell
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No matter where you live in the world—money matters! The abundance or lack of finances can wind itself around the hearts of men and women to stray them away from trusting in God. Too much wealth and one is tempted to believe that they are the ones in control of their lives. Too little wealth […]

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How Did the Early Church Differ From The Church Today?

by Jack Wellman
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How is the church of today different from the church during the apostle’s day?  What are the major differences?  What is missing from the church today that was present during the church’s beginning? The Birth of the Church The church was actually born on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon believers.  […]

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Should Christians Just Live Their Lives and Let Everyone Else Live Theirs?

by Robert Driskell
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Oftentimes, when we Christians express their beliefs in public, those who disagree with us will accuse us of meddling, intolerance, bigotry, or just not minding our own business.  Granted, many times it would be easier for us just to be quiet about the declining moral condition of our nation, abortion, violence and sex in the […]

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What is Christian Dogma? Should Christians Be Dogmatic?

by Jack Wellman
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What does it mean to be dogmatic?  What is meant by the term Christian dogma?  Is it good to be dogmatic? What is Dogma? Dogma is a set of codes, beliefs, and principles which are held to be necessarily true and cannot or will not change.  For example, there are dogmas of science and religion which […]

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Bible Verses About Confidence: 21 Scripture Quotes

by Daryl Evans
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The definition of the word confidence according to Webster’s dictionary is “faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way.”  That definition shows the importance of confidence in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ.  People that know the Lord should live differently than the rest of the world.  […]

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How To Reach The Deaf For Christ

by David Peach
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As a missionary to the Deaf I am often asked what is different about sharing the Gospel with the Deaf compared to hearing people. I think the better question is, “How do you clearly present the Gospel?” The principles of sharing the Gospel with anyone should be based on the Bible, language, culture and education […]

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