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5 Bible Verses About the Promises of God

by Jack Wellman
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There are many great and precious promises in the Bible, so here are 5 examples that should give us peace of mind about the promises of God. God’s Promise to Abraham – Genesis 18:10 There are many great and precious promises in the Bible, so here is the first of 5 examples that should give […]

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5 Bible Verses About God’s Timing

by Jack Wellman
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Ithink most people are not as patient as they should be, and that includes me, but here are 5 Bible verses that will help us understand God’s timing. Waiting on God’s Timing has its Rewards – Psalm 27:14 I think most people are not as patient as they should be, and that includes me, but […]

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How to Find and Know the Will of God

by Jack Wellman
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People struggle to find out God’s will for their lives, but God’s will for our lives is easy to find in Scripture. God’s Will and Ours – Matthew 6 People struggle to find out God’s will for their lives, but God’s will for our lives is easy to find in Scripture. For example, when we […]

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5 Examples of God’s Blessing

by Jack Wellman
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God blesses us in many ways, more than we can even imagine, so here are 5 great examples of God’s pouring out His blessings. Abraham’s Blessing Was Our Blessing Too – Genesis 12 God blesses us in many ways, more than we can even imagine, so here is the first of five great examples of […]

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5 Things About Biblical Faith

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible says a lot about faith, but what is true, biblical faith and how can we have it? Faith is More Than Hoping – Hebrews 11 The Bible says a lot about faith, but what is true, biblical faith and how can we have it? Read why faith is more than just hoping for […]

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Who or What is a Side A Christian? Who or What is a Side B Christian?

by Jack Wellman
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Many Christians have compromised biblical truth about sexual immorality and so some now say there is a Side A Christian, Side B Christiasn and so on, so who or what is Side A and Side B Christians? Side B Christians Many Christians have compromised biblical truth about sexual immorality and so some now say there […]

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How to Avoid Becoming a Lukewarm Christian

by Jack Wellman
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It’s easy to slide into complacency in the Christian faith, but how can we avoid turning into a lukewarm Christian? Yeast and Sin It’s easy to slide into complacency in the Christian faith, but how can we avoid turning into a lukewarm Christian? Sin is compared to yeast in the Bible because it puffs up […]

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I’ve Lost My Faith! What Can I Do?

by Jack Wellman
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Many Christians have experienced a “dark night of the soul,” but what happens when you lose your faith? Are you lost forever? Faith Many Christians have experienced a “dark night of the soul,” but what happens when you lose your faith? Are you lost forever? I cannot keep track of all the people who have […]

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A Tribute For Mother’s Day (and those who fill that role!)

by Jack Wellman
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It was said of mothers once, “The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.” Here’s a tribute to honor mothers everywhere and those who fill the role of “mom.” Honoring Mothers It was said of mothers once, “The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.” Here’s a tribute to honor mothers everywhere and […]

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Why the Sovereignty of God Should Comfort All Believers

by Jack Wellman
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Why should the sovereignty of God comfort us in times of trouble? What is Sovereignty? Why should the sovereignty of God comfort us in times of trouble? To begin with, God is in complete control of all things…good and bad. We too have free will just as God does but God has planned, even from […]

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