5 Examples of God’s Blessing

by Jack Wellman
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God blesses us in many ways, more than we can even imagine, so here are 5 great examples of God’s pouring out His blessings. Abraham’s Blessing Was Our Blessing Too – Genesis 12 God blesses us in many ways, more than we can even imagine, so here is the first of five great examples of […]

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How God Blesses Our Obedience But Curses Sin

by Jack Wellman
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How does God exactly bless believers when they obey God and curse those who sin against Him? Blessings and Curses It could not be clearer that obedience bring blessings while disobedience brings curses. There are only twelve verses in Deuteronomy that outline the blessings that come from obedience (28:3-14), but there are sixty-five verses where […]

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How Can We Love Our Enemies?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus tells us to love our enemies and do good to those who do bad to us, so how can we love someone who hates us? Remember Your Calling Jesus tells us to love our enemies and do good to those who do bad to us, so how can we love someone who hates us? […]

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Has God Removed His Blessing From America?

by Jack Wellman
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H as God removed His blessing on America? Do the recent economic woes, pandemics, and natural disasters prove that God’s removed His blessings and hedge of protection from America? Blessings for Obedience After God had established Israel as a nation, God warned them about the national blessings of obedience and the national curses for disobedience. […]

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