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The Many Ways We Break the Ten Commandments

by Jack Wellman
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Everyone has broken the Ten Commandments, but here are the many ways that we can too if we’re not careful. What is Sin? Everyone has broken the Ten Commandments, but here are the many ways that we can too if we’re not careful, so first off…what is sin? Sin is the transgression of the Law […]

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How All People Will Be Held Accountable for Every Idle Word

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said that every one of us will be held accountable for every idle word we speak, so what does He mean by that? Words Matter   Jesus said that every one of us will be held accountable for every idle word we speak, so what does He mean by that? I have often wished […]

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What is Cessationism? Who Are Famous Cessationists?

by Jack Wellman
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What is cessationism? What do cessationists believe? Who are the most famous cessationists in history? Cessationism What is cessationism? What do cessationists believe? Who are the most famous cessationists in history? Cessationism is the belief or doctrine that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing ceased with the Apostolic Age (1 Cor […]

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What Jesus’ Disciples Can Expect in This Life

by Jack Wellman
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When we are saved, we become disciples of Jesus, but that’s when it really starts to get hard. Expect Persecution When we are saved, we become disciples of Jesus, but that’s when it really starts to get hard. All of a sudden, co-workers, family and friends started distancing themselves from us. We no longer did […]

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How Tests, Trials and Tribulations Make us More Like Christ

by Jack Wellman
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How does God use trials, tests and tribulations in our life? God allows only that which is good for us. Being Like Jesus How does God use trials, tests and tribulations in our life? God allows only that which is good for us. A good example is a tree. A tree grows most rapidly during […]

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Using the 7 Churches in Revelation to Examine Your Own Church – Part Two

by Jack Wellman
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The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our own church. The Church at Sardis The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our own church. In continuing in […]

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Using the 7 Churches in Revelation to Examine Your Own Church – Part One

by Jack Wellman
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The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our own church. The Churches: Past and Present The Book of Revelation has a message for the 7 churches that could help us examine the health or sickness of our own church. The7 churches […]

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The Best Bible Verses for Graduates

by Jack Wellman
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Here are some of the most powerful Bible verses that graduates can read to prepare them for life and inspire them by His promises. Lean on Him Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him give Him glory, and […]

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Attributes of a Godly Mother for Mother’s Day

by Jack Wellman
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Mothers are vital to the development of children, and her children are blessed if she has the attributes of a godly mother. Blesses Others I am so blessed to have a wife that is a godly mother. I’ve never seen such a godly wife and mother, so what are the marks of a godly woman? […]

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How to Use Gentleness and Respect to Share the Gospel

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. They Are Watching Us The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. I remember John MacArthur saying, “You might be the only Bible […]

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