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The Dangers of Living an Uncompromised Life

by Jack Wellman
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Christians can get into trouble if they begin to live an uncompromised life. A few biblical examples prove that it comes back to haunt them. Carnal Christians Christians can get into trouble if they begin to live an uncompromised life. A few biblical examples prove that it can come back to haunt them, so what […]

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What is Household Salvation? Is it Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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TThere is a new teaching out there called “Household Salvation.” What is it and is it Biblical? Lydia’s Heart There is a new teaching out there called “Household Salvation.” What is it and is it Biblical? Some people quote one of three places in the Scriptures where someone was baptized and “their whole household was […]

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How Do I Witness to a Muslim? What Are the Differences Between Christianity and the Islamic Faith?

by Jack Wellman
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Believers are to bring the gospel to the whole world, but what about Muslims? How do we witness to them and what are the differences between the two religions? Explain the Differences Believers are to bring the gospel to the whole world, but what about Muslims? How do we witness to them and what are […]

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Why You and Every Single Church Member is Essential to the Church

by Jack Wellman
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God has placed the members of His church where He sees fit, but every single member of the church is essential. Jesus Builds His Church God has placed the members of His church where He sees fit, but every single member of the church is essential. When Jesus began to build His church on the […]

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What Are the Duties and Qualifications of a Church Elder?

by Jack Wellman
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Church elders are crucial to the growth of the church, so what are the duties and responsibilities of a church elder? Pastors are Elders Church elders are crucial to the growth of the church, so what are the duties and responsibilities of a church elder? To start with, every pastor is an elder but not […]

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I Have a Besetting Sin. Am I Really Saved? Were Samson and Lot Saved?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people struggle with a besetting sin that they just can’t get over, and they question, “Am I really saved?” What about sinful Samson and Lot? Besetting Sins Many people struggle with a besetting sin that they just can’t get over, and they question, “Am I really saved?” What about sinful Samson and Lot? Guess […]

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Catalysts of Truth: Being a Catalyst for Christ

by Jack Wellman
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What is a catalyst of truth? How can you be a catalyst for truth and the cause of Christ? Read on. The Spirit What is a catalyst of truth? How can you be a catalyst for truth and the cause of Christ? Speaking scientifically, a catalyst is “a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, […]

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How to Transform Your Mind and Not Be Conformed to This World

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world but rather have our minds transformed, so how can we do that? Discernment The Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world but rather have our minds transformed, so how can we do that? The Word of God commands us to “not […]

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What is the Mark of the Beast? Can Christians Be Marked?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the mark of the beast? What does Scripture say about it? End Times What is the mark of the beast? What does Scripture say about it? We can read about the Antichrist in Revelation 13 in the two beasts, one that comes from the sea and the other from the earth. These two […]

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Does the Bible Allow Divorced Men to be a Pastor or Elder or Deacon?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible tells us specifically who can and who can’t be a pastor, elder or deacon, but what if they’ve been married before? Biblical Qualifications The Bible tells us specifically who can and who can’t be a pastor, elder or deacon, but what if they’ve been married before? The qualifications from the Word of God […]

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