Are Christians Really Homophobic?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people accuse Christians of being homophobic, but is this accurate? Homophobic The word “homophobic” was not even used until 1969 and part of the word, “homo,” originally stood for the genus or human species (homo sapiens), while “phobia,” is basically an obsessive fear of something like flying, fear of heights, fear of the outdoors, […]

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Is The Church Unfairly Picking on the Homosexual Community?

by Robert Driskell
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Christians are being accused of singling out the sin of homosexuality as being worse than other sins. Christians are accused of being intolerant, cruel, and judgmental when it comes to the subject of homosexuals and the homosexual lifestyle. Is this accusation accurate? Do Christians live as if they are choosing to persecute homosexuals with more […]

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Can A Person Be Born A Homosexual? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Is there scientific evidence that a person is born a homosexual? If so, then how can they be held responsible for the Bible condemning homosexuality?  Let’s take a look at the scientific evidence and then put it up against what the Bible teaches. Are Homosexuals Genetically Predisposed to be One? There have been many scientific […]

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