5 Bible Facts About The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Here are five Bible verses that clearly defend the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death Couldn’t Hold Him The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23), but since Jesus never sinned, death could not keep Him, so it was because Jesus was sinless, the grave could not possibly hold Him.  The Word of God states that “God […]

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Was Jesus Christ Married? A Look at the Bible Facts

by Jack Wellman
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Some extra-biblical sources claim that Jesus was married and that He even had children. Is this true? Was Jesus ever married? What does the Bible say about this? Jesus of Nazareth There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is the man Who has had more written about Him than any other single character in the […]

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Does Archaeology Support the Bible? A Look at the Evidence

by Jack Wellman
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Is there archaeological evidence to support the authenticity of the Bible?  Are there actual archaeological digs that have unearthed artifacts that are relevant to the recorded stories in the Bible?  Here is an actual look at real evidence that has been discovered by archaeologists. What is Archaeology? Archaeology is a science. It is the scientific […]

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