How You Can Abide in Christ and Christ in You

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for How You Can Abide in Christ and Christ in You

If we abide in Him, He will abide in us, so how can we abide in God more often in our daily walk with Christ? What is Abiding? The word abiding means to continue in or constantly dwell in something or to endure, and in this case, we want God and His Word to abide […]

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What It Means To Be “In Christ”

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for What It Means To Be “In Christ”

The Bible teaches that believers are “in Christ,” so how do you know if you are or are not in Christ? How can we be “in Christ?” Not His The Bible teaches that believers are “in Christ,” so how do you know if you are or are not in Christ? How can we be “in […]

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