There are not enough words to express my gratitude and thanks for the men and women that serve our country in the armed forces to protect us. Thank you all for your bravery and service to us all! Aside from God, you guys are a big reason why we can sleep at night. May God bless you all as you continue to serve and protect. This article is for you guys! Here are 8 prayers that you can pray for our soldiers and troops!
Thank You for the men and women that protect this nation! Father, as they protect us, protect them as well! Lord, You know where they will be today and I pray that You will be there with them to guide them through whatever challenges and trials they face this day. I thank You for these men and women, Lord! I love You! Amen

There are not enough words to express my gratitude and thanks for the men and women that serve our country in the armed forces to protect us. Thank you all for your bravery and service to us all!
Those Overseas/Their Families
Oh Lord,
So many children are missing their mommies and daddies today. Please bring our troops back home safely to their families. These kids yearn to be with both parents and I pray that You will allow our troops to remain safe and sound until they return to their homes. Lord, be with their spouses. Give them strength to walk through each day, knowing that You have things under control. May the love that the husbands and wives share be multiplied greatly as they reunite later. Bring our troops home safely, Lord! I love You! Amen
Those Here
Almighty God,
Thank You for the men and women who are on our soil defending us from nuclear threats and attacks. Father, I pray that you will disarm and fail every attempt the enemy has at causing destruction to our nation. Give our troops the knowledge in advance to divert any attempt to hurt us. Lord, be with our brave men and women here! I thank You for them all! I love You! Amen!
Blessed Lord,
I can’t even imagine how hard it is for the families who are stuck in the “unknown”. Some of our men and women have been imprisoned overseas. Lord, even as Peter and Paul were thrown in prison, You were with them. May it be so with our brave and courageous troops. Be with those who are in danger. Please, provide them a way home to their families. Father, be with their loved ones back home. Give them a peace that passes all understanding to know that You have this under control even when it seems like everything is out of control. For those MIA, I pray that answers will be given so that closure can be had. Father, these situations are so incredibly difficult and overpowering to our emotions and can bring us to all-time lows in depression. Father, lead those who feel this way this day. Be with them. Wrap Your arms around them and love them like crazy! I love You, Father! Amen
The Unsaved
O Lord,
There are many of our troops who don’t know You. Father, I pray that You would provide men and women of faith to share the Good News to our troops who have not made Jesus their Savior and Lord. The lost will stay lost until they are found. Father, may they find You today! Draw them to You! I love You! Amen
Intense Situations
Father in Heaven,
I pray for our troops who are in intense encounters right now. Some of them are under fire and they need You now more than ever to come out safely. Father, guide every step and decision they make in these crucial situations. Give them the knowledge of when to move and when to stay still. Give them the power to overcome the enemy and remain safe. Lord, fight alongside our troops. Father, I pray that You would incapacitate the enemy to the point that they can’t even stand. Make them drop. Please, stop the plans of the enemy that wants to hurt our troops. We put our trust in You in these extreme encounters. We love you! Amen
The Injured
Father, God
Some of our troops have experienced injuries from all sides: minor to critical. Lord, You are the Great Physician! Heal the wounds that our brave men and women have encountered while protecting us. Lord, if You have allowed them injury so that they turn to You, I pray that they will cry out to You. Father, be with the families of those who are in critical condition. The desperation and fear can be so intense. Please, Lord, give them peace and heal their loved ones. I thank you for these brave men and women! I love You! Amen
Thank You
I just want to thank You for the brave men and women who put their lives on the line daily for our nation! They are living out what it means to serve. By protecting us they are putting us before themselves and I am so thankful for them all. They are a blessing to this nation and I pray that You will watch over them and bless them 10 fold! Thank You for our troops, Father! Without men and women of courage we would not be the country we are today! I hold them in high esteem and I am grateful for each and every single one of them! Thank You for the men and women in our armed forces, Lord! Be with all of them and their families today! I love you! Amen
To all of the men and women in our armed forces, thank you so much for your dedication and commitment to serve and protect us! I love you all! You are being prayed for! For those of us who are not in the armed forces, let’s pray daily for our brave soldiers, pilots, marines, people in the navy and every other facet of the armed forces. They deserve our prayers! May God bless you all as you live a life worthy of the calling!