Why Did God Say He Loved Jacob and Hated Esau?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible say God hated Esau but He loved Jacob?  Is that fair?  Why would God love one and not the other? Selling Esau’s Birthright The story of Jacob and Esau began to get interesting because Esau, as the firstborn, had actual privileges of the birthright but did he regard it very highly?  […]

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Who Are The 24 Elders In The Book Of Revelation?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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With all the geopolitical turmoil in the world many people have taken an increased interest in end-times prophecies. As Christians, we see many current events, not as something that is new and frightening, but as literal fulfillment of many signs that the Bible says would occur before Jesus returns. With these exciting times, many are […]

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Why Can’t I Get To Heaven Through Good Works?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people believe that they’re a very good person and that will bring them to heaven but this is actually false and we can be thankful that it is. Our good Works Good works have their place in the life of the Christian.  Salvation is not one of them.  James did say “What good is […]

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Twins Reliever Blaine Boyer Glorifying the Kingdom

by Bruce Darnall
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“Christ has given me a purpose,” states Minnesota Twins reliever, Blaine Boyer. Blaine in his youth was one who tried to fill the void in his life by being popular, through sports, and being a know-it-all to gain fulfillment. He adds, “Christ made me come to the stark revelation that the world is not about […]

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Who Are The Nicolaitans Mentioned In The Book Of Revelation?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Often, in the course of Bible study, an obscure reference is encountered that has significant meaning. One such reference is made concerning a doctrine that is attributed to a group called the Nicolaitans. Although there are many opinions about the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, the Bible provides many clues about what it means. A Bible […]

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What Does Propitiation Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the word “propitiation” mean when used within the context of Scripture?  What does it teach us about God and specifically, about Christ? Propitiation is… The secular or worldly definition of propitiation is hard to separate from the biblical definition.  It basically means the conciliation or a conciliatory act by someone.  If we had […]

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Can The Bible Become An Idol?

by Jack Wellman
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The question might seem ridiculous at first but can the Bible actually become an idol? The answer might surprise you. Idolatry Idolatry is the worship of anything or anyone, regardless of what it is.  Some people worship money by investing their whole life into pursuing it.  Some people make their job or position in life […]

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Top 8 Bible Verses About Fighting

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible has a lot about fighting…some of it justified and some of it not. Here are my top 8 Bible verses on fighting with a personal commentary about them. 1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the […]

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What Are The Seven Seals In The Book Of Revelation?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever wondered what the seven seals in the Book of Revelation are and what they are for? Four Seals, Four Horses The first of the four seals are what are sometimes called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (or unveiling).  These horses either speak of a time past or a time yet to […]

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Brewers Herrera Giving Christ The Best He’s Got

by Bruce Darnall
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When you have a walk-up song titled “Soldado de guerro,” you know you have a fighter. The title is Soldier of War (for Christ). Milwaukee Brewer infielder, Elian Herrera, is such a person. The title is fitting once you know Elian’s story. For Elian, it will be a long, tough fight to get to the […]

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