Bible Definitions: Natural Man, Spiritual Man, Carnal Man

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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When it comes to the study of humans, nearly every public college has courses on anthropology. Anthropology is a term that has its roots in Latin and Greek words that combine Anthropos- and -logy to mean the study of humans. It is not a surprise that the vast majority of anthropology courses focus on humanistic […]

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How Does the Bible Define Righteousness?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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During a time when surfer lingo was popular (think about the turtle in the movie Finding Nemo), the word righteous was often used to indicate approval or something good. For example, if someone surfed a big powerful wave all the way to the shore, their extremely difficult ride might have been described as gnarly in […]

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What Does Redeemed Or Redemption Mean When Used In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the word “redeemed” or “redemption” mean when used in the Bible? What is Redemption? The word redemption means to gain something or to regain possession of something in exchange for a payment either by paying it off or by paying in full some amount owed for the possession. I used a voucher at […]

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What Is A Pagan? Is The Term Pagan Or Paganism Used In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the word “pagan” mean when used in the Bible? What is “paganism?” The word “pagan” originally meant a “region delimited by markers,” like a city or a state or even a region that was easily marked off. Now it literally means anyone else’s religion or belief system that rests outside of their own […]

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What Does The Alpha and Omega Mean When Used In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible refer to “the Alpha and the Omega?” What do these words or terms mean? The Alpha The Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and it’s where we get our word, “alphabet” from because the letters we use to construct words in our language are all contained in our […]

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How Does The Bible Define Agape Love?

by Jack Wellman
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How does the Bible define “agape” love? What’s the difference between it and the other kinds of love? Eros Love There are four types of love that we know about but only 3 of the 4 are mentioned in the Bible, but they are all most definitely not the same kind of love. For example, […]

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What Does A Freewill Offering Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What does it mean to give a freewill offering in the Bible? Is that something we can do in our day too? Freewill Freewill is the freedom to choose one thing over another or to do something or nothing. Even making no choice becomes a choice…all because of freewill. Jesus said “For God so loved […]

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Sorcery Bible Definition

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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One of the most common images around Halloween is that of an old witch huddled over a boiling cauldron creating a potion. Likewise, sorcerers, are depicted as having special powers and using potions that cause supernatural things to happen or mythical creatures to respond to their beckoning. In either case, the witch or sorcerer is […]

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What Does Edify Or Edification Mean? A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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What does the word “edify” or “edification” mean?  Why is this important to know? Building up One Another The world does a good enough job in tearing us down or beating us down. This heavy laden, sin-soaked world can press down upon us until we feel we’ve been beaten all the way down to the […]

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What is the Shekinah Glory of God described in the Bible?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Nearly all Christians are familiar with the idea of God’s glory. However, few Christians are familiar with the concept of the Shekinah Glory of God described in the Bible. Although the term “Shekinah Glory” is not found literally in the Bible, many scholars, most of which are Jewish, have written extensively about it. For this […]

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