Did Christians Participate In The Salem Witch Trials?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it true that Christians burned people at the stake, like those who were thought to be witches? Mediums and Witches The Bible does mention witchcraft and it often associated with divination, mediums, and spiritists, and where the Bible does speak about it, it is not good. The word used for “witchcraft” is the Hebrew […]

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Sorcery Bible Definition

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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One of the most common images around Halloween is that of an old witch huddled over a boiling cauldron creating a potion. Likewise, sorcerers, are depicted as having special powers and using potions that cause supernatural things to happen or mythical creatures to respond to their beckoning. In either case, the witch or sorcerer is […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Sorcery? A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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Is the Bible silent on sorcery?  If not, then what does the Bible say about sorcery? Sorcery Defined The definition of sorcery is the use of power gained from the control or authority of evil spirits or demons that are used to inflict harm, deceive others, or divine something. Sorcery can include the power to […]

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Can People Communicate With the Dead? A Christian Perspective

by Jack Wellman
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Can we communicate with the dead?  Is this possible according to the Bible?  Should Christians be trying to communicate with the dead? Communicating with the Dead I have heard about the many that portend to be able to communicate with the dead.  They hold séances and try to get in touch with the deceased in […]

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