Ephesians Commentary, Summary, and Key Verses

by Jack Wellman
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Ephesians is one of the most encouraging books in the New Testament. I offer the following commentary and summary for Ephesians in this article. Ephesians Commentary Purpose and Themes The purpose of the book of Ephesians was to warn the church elders about the false teachers that were teaching a false gospel and to maintain […]

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Galatians Commentary, Summary, and Key Verses

by Jack Wellman

Galatians Commentary Paul’s purpose for writing the book of Galatians, scholars believe around A.D. 49, was to reveal that Paul’s apostleship was from Jesus Christ and not from men.  But Paul’s real emphasis was that salvation is not works oriented and that the Galatians liberty should not be used as an excuse to continue in […]

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2 Corinthians Commentary, Summary and Key Verses

by Jack Wellman

2 Corinthians Commentary The purpose of II Corinthians was in Paul defending his apostleship and the gospel, which was given to him directly from Jesus Christ.  This Christ-given gospel was authentic and came directly from Jesus as opposed to what the false teacher’s gospel was.  These false teachers were claiming to be apostles too.  What these […]

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1 Corinthians Commentary, Summary and Key Verses

by Jack Wellman

I Corinthians Commentary  First Corinthians purpose seems to point to Jesus’ resurrection as a reality of history and is taken as to be indisputable and beyond questioning.  This is testified by Paul’s listing of eye witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection and as being pivotal to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Paul’s counsel regarding the resurrection was […]

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