What Does the Bible Say About War and Peace?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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War and peace is a vicious cycle. The fact of the matter is that no matter how long we live on this earth, the cycle will continue. It began with the first murder in the Bible (Cain killed Abel) and has continued from there. War begins at the root of lust of the flesh, lust […]

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Enlightening KJV Bible Verses About Hatred

by Pamela Rose Williams
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As time progresses it seems that hatred becomes more and more abundant. The news is filled with rioting and murder which seems to be the result of fierce hatred for certain people and groups. Sometimes we must just reflect upon what God says about hatred. Take a look at these enlightening KJV Bible verses about […]

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Why Did God Say He Loved Jacob and Hated Esau?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible say God hated Esau but He loved Jacob?  Is that fair?  Why would God love one and not the other? Selling Esau’s Birthright The story of Jacob and Esau began to get interesting because Esau, as the firstborn, had actual privileges of the birthright but did he regard it very highly?  […]

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