15 Things That Satan and Evil Spirits Can Do

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When God created the heaven and the earth all of the angels sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy (Job 38:7). But then, some of the angels, led by Lucifer (also called Satan) rebelled against God and they were cast out of heaven (Isaiah 14:12; Ezekiel 28:16; Jude 6:1; Revelation 12:7-9). […]

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Can Demons Possess Inanimate Or Non-Living Objects?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it possible for Satan or demons to possess inanimate objects like chairs, houses and other non-living objects? Fallen Angels Who or what are demons? Demons are angels that fell from grace by choosing to follow Lucifer’s rebellion against God. In wanting to become like God, or really, to be in place of God, Lucifer […]

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