Do I Really Need to Go to Church?

by Jack Wellman
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More and more believers are dropping out of church, and ask, why do I need to go to church? Forsaking the Assembly More and more believers are dropping out of church, and ask, why do I need to go to church? The fact is, in these days we need one another more and more. Jesus […]

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Why You and Every Single Church Member is Essential to the Church

by Jack Wellman
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God has placed the members of His church where He sees fit, but every single member of the church is essential. Jesus Builds His Church God has placed the members of His church where He sees fit, but every single member of the church is essential. When Jesus began to build His church on the […]

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Why Missing Church Hurts Christians and the Church

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say we need to attend church? Is church attendance essential to one’s walk with Christ? Questions About Church Does the Bible say that we need to attend church? Is it okay for a Christian to not attend church? With so many TV and Internet evangelists, can they replace the local church? Is […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Togetherness?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about “togetherness?” Why is it important? Together The word “together” is an adjective and according to the etymology dictionary, it means “to be present in one place,” “in a group,” or “in an accumulated mass.” The word “together” is a variant of the adverb “geador” and means “to unite, to […]

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