If you have never heard of John D. Rockefeller, you must read about this man’s amazing story of faith in action that brought healing and peace to the world’s first billionaire.
Amazing Testimony
If you have never heard of John D. Rockefeller or read his biography, you must read about this man’s amazing story of a man whose faith moved him to action and in doing so, brought healing and peace to himself but to many others. The late Pastor Adrian Rogers once mentioned the life of John D. Rockefeller and Inspiration316 Radio also mentioned this man, so what was so extraordinary about the late Christian philanthropist, John D. Rockefeller?
Near Death
When John D. Rockefeller was only 33 years old he became the first millionaire in America. At age 43 he owned the largest company in the world, Standard Oil Company. Then, at age 53 he became the first billionaire in America. It was at this time in the early 1900s that he grew gravely ill and could not even eat except for crackers and milk. Everyone around him, doctors included, thought he was on his deathbed. There were those in the media, newspapers in particular, who had already written his obituary, sure that he was going to die at any moment, but God had other plans. There were many who hated him and said he was full of greed and that’s why God was going to take his life, but they don’t know our God, do they? God does what typically confounds man.
Curse of Riches
John D. Rockefeller testified publically that he was a Christian, which is what all believers are all called to do (Rom 10:0-13). Mr. Rockefeller realized that it was God who had given him the gift to accumulate wealth, however, to him was a curse because he didn’t really know the true purpose of the wealth he had been given by Almighty God. Then he heard his pastor said, “God will give money to you, if He can get it through you.”
Vision from God?
One night, John was unable to go to sleep so he turned to God in prayer and was given a vision. I believe visions are exceedingly rare and I have never had one nor do I know anyone who’s had one and they are not the normative way God reaches us, but there is good reason to believe this one was really from God. In the vision he said the Lord told to him, “All the money in the world will do you no good in heaven or hell. Your job and your responsibility are to give it away to bless others.”
The Rockefeller Foundation
The very next day he called his staff together and formed the John D. Rockefeller Foundation. His philanthropy has literally changed the world, and has set the gold standard for other philanthropists in their giving as they follow Rockefeller’s model. Because of Rockefeller’s giving, today many diseases are no longer around. He wanted to help humanity in any way he could and he did.
Wealth and Health

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul” (Matt 16:26).
As time went by, Rockefeller’s wealth increased and he spent the next 40 years giving it away. He had finally discovered his true calling in life and felt God’s pleasure. God gave him peace of mind in the last years and an inner healing that opened the door for God to give him physical healing. Mr. Rockefeller experienced many miracles later in life, but in the midst of a life-threatening situation, Rockefeller found his true calling. After he discovered God wanted him to use his wealth for good and not build “bigger barns” to store and hoard his wealth, his health turned around. He spent the next 40 years giving away the wealth he had accumulated and as he did, he grew all the richer. He received the peace of mind that came with helping others…his true purpose of earth. This wealth, all a gift from God, was not really from his hand, but from the hand of God. The inner healing God gave him made possible his outer physical healing and he lived a long, happy life…a life of giving.
I could tell of other amazing accounts of other business heroes of the faith, like that of J.C. Penny’s founder, Woolworth’s, and many other business men and women who placed giving to God above their own profits, and by doing so, God greatly blessed these men and these men in turn, blessed many others. Most importantly of all, I pray you have already put your trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If not happened, you are in real danger of hell fire right now. And I mean, in immediate danger because you are only one breath, one heartbeat…one accident away from eternity when it will be too late to repent. Today is the best day to believe (2 Cor 6:2) since tomorrow is no guarantee. If Jesus Christ came today, here is your fate (Matt 7:21-23). This is why I plead with you as you read this, repent today…and I mean right now. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. If you do not, you will face God’s judgment after death guaranteed (Heb 9:27) or at Jesus Christ’s appearance (Rev 20:12-15), which could happen at any moment.
Here is some related reading for you: A Foundation for Biblical Giving
Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.