What Is Glossolalia?

by Jack Wellman
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What is Glossolalia? Is it even biblical? Glossolalia What is Glossolalia? It’s said to be some type of phenomenon that is practiced by some Pentecostal and charismatic churches. It’s where someone or several people are speaking in tongues while in worship service, but in a tongue that’s unknown to the audience. Some may try to […]

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What Is The Role Of The Holy Spirit?

by Jack Wellman
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What role does the Holy Spirit lead in the life of the believer? The Quickening Spirit Before we were saved, we were the walking dead; dead in our sins. We needed the Spirit’s quickening. The Apostle Paul wrote that I was dead and “you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once […]

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Practice Patience and Bypass Impatience

by Pamela Rose Williams
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It is sort of a joke – you hear it often: “Never pray for patience”. Why? Because when you pray for patience the dear Lord will give you plenty of opportunity to practice that patience. So, how is it that we practice patience and bypass impatience? Let’s take a look at what the Bible has […]

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Is Our Gender Biological Or A Choice?

by Jack Wellman
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IIs it natural to be able to choose your gender? Is our gender biologically determined or is it a social construct? Boys and Girls I remember years ago a guest speaker coming to a church I used to attend and telling us about an interesting study a psychologist did. He wanted to prove that boys […]

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