What Does Propitiation Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the word “propitiation” mean when used within the context of Scripture?  What does it teach us about God and specifically, about Christ? Propitiation is… The secular or worldly definition of propitiation is hard to separate from the biblical definition.  It basically means the conciliation or a conciliatory act by someone.  If we had […]

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What Does Atonement Mean? Bible Definition of Atonement

by Jack Wellman
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Maybe you’ve heard the word “atonement” and wondered what it means.  What is the biblical definition of the word atonement? Atonement is… The English word for atonement originally meant “at one-ment” or “at one with” like being in harmony with someone and in this case it means to be at one with God through the […]

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