Why Did God Gave Us the Ten Commandments?

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for Why Did God Gave Us the Ten Commandments?

Why did God give us the Ten Commandments, knowing it is impossible to fully obey them? Charles Spurgeon’s View Why did God give us the Ten Commandments, knowing it is impossible for us to fully obey them? Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) is one of my favorite preachers of old and he loved preaching about the Ten […]

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7 Commandments Jesus Gave From the Gospels

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for 7 Commandments Jesus Gave From the Gospels

Jesus gave us commands that went beyond the Ten Commandments, some new and some from the Old Testament. What seven commandments did Jesus give us from the Gospels? Jesus Commandments Like the Ten Commandments, these commands that Jesus gave in the gospels were not the ten suggestions but imperative commands that we have no room […]

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