Haste Makes Waste in the Bible

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I have often heard the saying “Haste makes waste”. Now I know it to mean that if you rush a job you can be in danger of wasting time and materials because your hurry to complete it caused mistakes, thereby requiring the job to be done again. For example, when working with your hands to […]

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Five Godly Women Found in Scripture

by Pamela Rose Williams
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It is not difficult to find the “bad girls” of the Bible, but have you looked for the good ones? The Bible records true history of many Godly women. Here are just five Godly women found in Scripture. Ruth Ruth is one of those women of the Bible that has a Book named for her. […]

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Five Faithful Young Men Found in Scripture

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I remember a great Ron Hamilton (Patch the Pirate) song from when my children were younger. “Faithful Men” [1] is a simple, two verse song that speaks of the faithful men that have gone before us. Verse 1 includes these words: I am looking to Jesus Giving all in the race Pressing upward to gain […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Being a Witness?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Witness is one of those interesting words when defined in English. It can mean any of the following: Noun (1) A person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.  (2) Evidence; proof Verb (1) See (an event, typically a crime or accident) take place. (2) Give or serve as evidence of; testify to […]

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4 Things That Can Destroy Your Family

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Family trouble today is at an all-time high. Marriages are falling apart, children are disobedient and quite frankly, love is waxing cold. But the fact of the matter is that “…there is no new thing under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Though there are so many things that contribute to the breakup of families, I have […]

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7 Things the Bible Calls Evil

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Most of us know that the Bible is sometimes also called “The Good Book”. I believe it is referred to as such because it is the Word of God and God is good. Even so, we do see bloodshed in the way of murders, rapes and wars. There are also many accounts of lies and […]

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What is a Spiritual Debtor?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When you ask someone if they have any debts, you are usually referring to their need to pay back financial obligations. When they have such debts, they themselves are referred to as a “debtor”. The literal definition of “debtor” is a person who is in debt or under financial obligation to another. [1] Debt and […]

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Half Empty or Half Full?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The optimist generally looks at the measurable things in life as half full. For example, if they have a half bowl of fruit, they will say the bowl is half full. On the other hand, the pessimist will say that the bowl is half empty. In the Bible we can see fullness and emptiness as […]

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What Are Some Sicknesses and Diseases in the Bible? A Christian Study

by Pamela Rose Williams
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There was a time, long, long ago when there was no sickness nor disease on Earth. Can you believe this? The truth of the matter is that sickness and disease are the result of sin. So, before Adam and Eve broke that one commandment – not to eat from the tree in the midst of […]

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What Does It Mean to be A Strange Woman?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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In the King James Version of the Bible the words “strange woman” are used to define a certain type of woman. As I was studying and looked back in the concordance of my Bible, I found “strange woman” between “temptress” and “harlots (prostitutes)”. Does this give you any idea of what the Bible calls a […]

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