What Did Jesus Mean By Doing Greater Things Than These?

by Jack Wellman
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Many in the Christian community claim that Jesus’ promise to the disciples that they would do greater things than Him means they can do even greater miracles than Jesus did, but what did Jesus mean by saying “greater things?” Great Miracles When Jesus began His earthly ministry, the people were in awe of Him, and […]

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7 Signs of Abusive Leadership

by David Peach
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Fortunately we have seen a recent interest in the subject of bullying and how to deal with it as it relates to our children. This awareness has filtered into the workplace and other social aspects of our lives. Bullying in the form of abusive leadership should also be dealt with inside the church congregation. To […]

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What Are Signs of Being in a Cult?

by Jack Wellman
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Cults are springing up more and more these days.  What are signs your child, your spouse or someone you know may be in a cult?  What are indications that a group is a cult?  What are the dangers? What is a Cult? The definition of a cult varies, depending upon the source.  Some describe a […]

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