What Does The Bible Say About The Use Steroids?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say anything about the use of steroids, and if not, how can we determine if they are acceptable to God or not? Our Bodies Our bodies have been described as the Temple of God because God the Holy Spirit lives in every believer, so today, we don’t need a temple to worship […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Drugs?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about drugs? Is it silent or is there some command to avoid abusing drugs? Alcohol The Bible allows for alcohol, but not for drunkenness. That’s very clear in the Old Testament and the New Testament, but there is a vast difference between drinking and getting drunk. For one thing, if […]

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KJV Bible Verses About Drunkenness and Drinking

by Pamela Rose Williams
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One category of life challenge that we often see in the counseling office is when someone has allowed alcohol to become a self-defeating addiction in their life. Drunkenness is the term that the Bible uses to describe someone whom has consumed too much alcoholic beverage (wine or strong drink) and therefore exhibits loss of control […]

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