Does God Predestine People to Hell? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Does God predestine the lost to hell just as He does some to heaven? Are people helpless in the sense that if they are not chosen, they are doomed to hell? Are we helpless victims of God’s will? What is Predestination? The definition for the word predestination is: to destine something in advance, to foreordain, […]

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Does God Want Us To Be Rich? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Is it God’s desire for us to be rich? Is there anything wrong with pursing riches? What is God’s will for us and money? The Prosperity Gospel I could give you a long, long list of prosperity preachers who are name it and claim it preachers but that would make an exceedingly long article so […]

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What Was Apostle Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Paul had a “thorn in the flesh.” What was this thorn in the flesh? Does the Bible say? Does Paul say? A Thorn in the Flesh I think it is not ironic that Paul called his physical or mental trial a “thorn” because thorns are indicative of the fall of man. After Adam and Eve […]

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Is Following Astrology Sin? Does The Bible Condemn Horoscopes?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about a Christian following astrology? Are horoscopes allowed for the believer? How does God feel about anyone following astrology or horoscopes? Ancient Astrological Practices Following astrology is not new. This practice has been around for thousands of years. It has been dated from the 3rd millennium BC and its origins […]

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Church Discipline – How the Church Should Discipline Members

by Jack Wellman
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How is the church supposed to discipline church members? What is the biblical way to discipline blatantly sinning church members? Is it biblical to disfellowship church members? God’s Fatherly Discipline How can disfellowshipping a church member actually be a sign of love? First consider that God disciplines His own children because He loves them. Here […]

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Does The Bible Talk About Eating Healthy? Should Christians Watch Their Weight?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible mention healthy eating habits? Are believers supposed to watch their weight? Should Christians be careful what they eat? What does the Bible say about a Christian’s health and their diet? Clean Versus Unclean Foods God gave Israel dietary laws and these laws were strictly enforced. Jews could not eat what God deemed […]

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Why Did God Send Jesus To Die? Was It Necessary?

by Jack Wellman
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Was it really necessary for God to send Jesus to die for sinners? Why couldn’t God just forgive sin? Why exactly did Jesus, Who is God, have to die? The Fall in the Garden When Adam and Eve fell from God’s grace in the Garden, they lost their chance for living forever. They would now […]

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Does God Love Satan? A Study From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Does God love Satan? Can Satan repent and be saved? What does the Bible say about how God feels about Satan? Can Satan Repent? I have had people ask me why Satan can’t repent and still be saved. All I can answer is that God knows the end from the beginning and that history is […]

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How Did Noah Fit All The Animals In The Ark? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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How could Noah fit all of the animals onto the Ark? How is it possible that they could all have survived for 40 days and 40 nights? How did Noah do this? The Great Ark Most people might not realize the incredible size of the ark built by Noah. I believe that the Ark was […]

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Christian Dream Interpretation? Does God Use Dreams to Speak To Us?

by Jack Wellman
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Do Christians have dreams that have meaning? Is there a way for believers to interpret these dreams? Does God communicate to Christians by dreams or does God speak to us in our dreams? Joseph, Interpreter of Dreams The Bible describes situations where dreams are interpreted and one of the best examples of this is when […]

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