Were Adam and Eve Saved?

by Jack Wellman
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Were Adam and Eve doomed to hell since they sinned in the Garden or were Adam and Eve saved? The Fall When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, they had the opportunity for eternal life, but when they disobeyed God by taking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they did […]

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Why Don’t Christians Look More Joyful?

by Jack Wellman
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Don’t you think Christians should be the most joyful people on the planet? Why don’t the redeemed look more like the Redeemer? Biblical Joy The Hebrew word for joy is an interesting word. It comes from the Hebrew word “simchah” and can mean “joy, gladness, pleasure,” as in having “the joy of God,” but another […]

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Why Do Some Christians Seem So Judgmental?

by Jack Wellman
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Why are some Christians more judgmental than most? What can justify their judging others? Judge Not The Bible verse and actual quote of Jesus, “Judge not, that you be not judged” is taken out of context quite frequently, especially if someone’s caught doing something wrong. The actual verse is a lot more than “Judge not, […]

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The Last Days According To Jesus

by Jack Wellman
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What are the last days before His return going to be like? Jesus explains the days prior to His second coming. The Apostle Paul Jesus spoke a lot about the end times, as far as things leading up to the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in 70 AD, but so did the Apostle Paul, […]

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How People Take Bible Texts Out Of Context

by Jack Wellman
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Here’s how to make sure someone doesn’t try to “proof text” you or take a Bible verse out of context. Proof Texting How do so many Christians and atheists take texts out of context to make them a pretext? They proof text certain verses to support their position, and often don’t take the verse in […]

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Why Did Jesus Have To Cleanse The Temple?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus cleansed the temple twice, but why did He do it? Den of Thieves The Temple in the first century, at the time Jesus’ earthly ministry occurred, the Temple had truly become a “den of thieves,” meaning they were ripping off innocent people who were forced to convert their currency into a currency the Temple […]

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What Does It Mean To Fear The Lord?

by Jack Wellman
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What does it mean to fear God or fear the Lord? What type of fear is it speaking about? Human Fear A little fear is a good thing because that makes us cautious when climbing ladders, using power tools, or driving a car. Fear is what keeps us alive and as long as it isn’t […]

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Why Does Jesus Say He Is The Only Way To The Father?

by Jack Wellman
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Today, it seems politically incorrect to say that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, so what do you tell others who don’t’ believe this? The Way Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6), but what is […]

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The Protective Purpose Of Pain

by Jack Wellman
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Why does God allow such pain in our lives? Can something good come out of that pain? No Pain, No Gain Have you heard of the adage, “no pain, no gain?” I know it’s true because I have experienced the pain of working out, or working at a laborious job. I was a janitor for […]

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What Are Warning Signs You Or Someone Else Is Falling Into Apostasy?

by Jack Wellman
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Can believers fall into apostasy? What are warning signs you or someone you know is falling into apostasy? What is Apostasy? The word apostasy comes from the Latin word, “apostasia,” and means “to revolt, to defect,” and literally, “a standing off,” so apostasy is revolting against the truth, defecting to the side of error, and […]

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