What Is The Promised Land? A Bible Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Many people are familiar with the term, Promised Land. However, many do not understand it to be a proper name of an actual place. Instead, they understand it as a place that appeals greatly to someone. For example, some might say that Nashville is the Promised Land for those who love country music. Others might […]

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What Is The Definition Of Firmament In The Bible?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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There are many versions of the Bible on the market, but one version has remained popular for several centuries. That version is the King James Version. However, many people choose not to use the King James Version because they do not understand many of the Old English words. One word in particular is the word […]

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Do Animals Sin? A Bible Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Many people consider their animals to be like their children. It is not uncommon then to see some of these same people treat their animals better than they treat other humans. Likewise, they develop strong bonds with these animals, which tends to make these people attribute human traits and qualities to them. This results in […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Rebellion? A Christian Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Today, more than ever, the idea of being against authority has become mainstream. In fact, some would say that if you do not question authority, then you are part of a corrupt system seeking to oppress people. From schoolteachers to police officers to parents, rebelling against the authority of any of these is considered by […]

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How Does The Bible Define Patience?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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It is no secret that technology and innovation has made routine tasks easier and quicker. We now have restaurants that can produce a family size meal for drive-through customers in seconds. We also have cameras on police officers, news coverage, and personal cell phones that record events on the ground as they unfold. With these […]

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Is There A Difference Between Hades, Hell, and Sheol? A Bible Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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If you ask someone to define the word hell you will hear a variety of definitions. Many people define hell as an eternal destination of the wicked. Some define hell as a time period a person goes through when they’re reincarnated from one life to another. Others define hell as the habitation of the dead, […]

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Why Did Jesus Say Peter Was The Rock On Which The Church Would Be Built?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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A common belief of millions of professing Christians is that Peter was designated by Jesus to be the foundation or head of the church. Because of this, great honor is paid to Peter to this day by these same professed believers. When asked why they believe this, many will quote Matthew 16:18-19 as the answer, […]

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Biblical Tips and Advice On How To Manage Employees

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Hardly a week goes by without hearing a story about someone who was mistreated at work by their employer. Likewise, it has become commonplace in some industries for employees to walk off the job and damage company property if they do not receive the pay and benefits that they demand. These, in addition to sensationalism […]

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Biblical Advice For Those In Bad Relationships

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Most people have had a relationship in their life where things did not go well. Whether it was a marriage, a friendship, or a coworker, it is not uncommon for us to occasionally have a problem getting along with someone. There are even numerous TV shows where individuals discuss their problems in front of a […]

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What Does Abomination Mean When Used In The Bible?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Most people understand that when the word abomination is used it means something bad. However, most people could not define abomination if asked. Unfortunately, the current trend to redefine marriage by the courts has led to an increase in the emotionally charged use of the word abomination by some Christians to describe alternative definitions of […]

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