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How Should Christians React To The Coronavirus Crisis?

How should Christians react to the coronavirus pandemic and associated economic crisis?

With Caution

How should Christians react to the coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis that’s come with it? I suggest with reserve and caution. We can’t say for sure that this is a judgment of God or that God is punishing the world or America for sin. One preacher who said that contracted the virus, so what would he say now? It may be that God is sending this as a judgment, but it’s also a fallen world. Bad things happen to all people…the saved and the lost. God has not told me or anyone else that I know of whether this is His judgment or not, but God has allowed it to happen since He is sovereign. What we must do is to be careful and not spread the virus to others or avoid places where we are more susceptible to picking it up. The last thing we should do is panic as we empty the store shelves. That won’t help anything. In fact, it only makes matters worse; worse for the elderly and disabled who may not be able to find the things that are essential to them. All we can do is what those who are in authority recommend. Don’t panic. There are plenty of food supplies. Just obey the recommendations of our leaders as this is pleasing in God’s sight (Rom 13:1-5). [1]

With Worship

The church is not a brick and mortar building. It consists of the children of God scattered around the world, and when the church cannot gather physically or corporately, as is commanded (Heb 10:24-25), they can worship where they are. Technology makes it very easy to worship at home today with sermons, Bible studies, and music. And we can use social media to stay connected to our brothers and sisters. We may have to be isolated, but we don’t have to be separated. The Body of Christ exists outside inside of a building and outside of a build when necessary, so don’t let canceled worship services keep you from worshiping and studying the Word of God. Several Christians in local churches have been picking up and delivering medicines, groceries, and others necessities for those who are at high risk and shouldn’t be going out in public. The building may be shut down for now, but the church? Never!

With Prayer

When things are beyond our control, they’re not beyond God’s control, so let’s turn our concerns over to God. The things we can’t do, God can do, so trust Him with it and pray to Him to use this and other crisis’ to bring people to Christ and to make them see their own mortality. We can pray for those who don’t know Christ to put their trust in Him. Pray that they would take the threat of the coronavirus to God or bring their recent job loss to the Lord Jesus Christ Who says to them and to all, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt 11:28-29). Don’t pray, “Oh Lord, what am I going to do!?” but rather pray, “O Lord, I can’t wait to see what You’re going to do!”

With Trust

John MacArthur once said, “We may be the only Bible someone ever reads,” and it’s a great point. When the threat of pandemics sweeps the globe, and even your neighborhood; and when job loss and economic crisis come, the world is watching how we’ll react too. Will we have the trust that the Word of God says to us? Will we display the faith that pleases God? Or, will we be wringing our hands like the rest of the world; waiting and watching and worrying? I hope not. That’s a bad witness. Our trust is in God above all things because He is above all things, being sovereign over all things. We can trust that (Rom 8:28).

Sharing Christ

[2]Things could get so much worse before they get better. Perhaps God is giving us a last waring by allowing this virus to get our attention; both physically and economically. This pandemic hits us in two places and both places where it hurts; our health and our pocketbook. Even so, let us not forget that God uses bad for His good purposes (Gen 50:20), so maybe when you speak to the lost you can share Christ with them. He is the only hope we have beyond the grave. There is hope in nothing else or no One in this world (Acts 4:12). How many will die from the coronavirus after it’s all over and done with, we cannot say, but one thing’s for sure. Jesus says “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this” (John 11:25-26)? I hope you do believe in Jesus Christ, because even if you die, you will live again! Jesus has said it; I believe it; that settles it!


I remember Jesus taking the disciples into the sea and a storm came up. While Jesus was soundly asleep in the boat, the disciples were filled during a storm (Mark 4). They thought they were going to drown. Seriously?! Did they really believe that Jesus would call them and disciple them and then, opps!, let them drown in the sea by accident? No! Jesus rebuked the storm, but notice, Jesus did not take them around the storm, over the storm, or ahead of the storm, but He was with them in the storm. During this pandemic and economic crisis, Jesus may not keep you away from this storm, but He promises to be with you in this storm! He hasn’t jumped ship to leave you to drown. Jesus may not take you over this crisis, or around this crisis, or even under the crisis, but He does promise to be with you through it. Jesus tells us in our own storm: “Peace! Be still” (Mark 4:39)!

Here is some related reading for you: Does the Bible Talk About Pandemics? [3]

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.