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7 Roles of the Family in a Child’s Faith

The role of the Christian family in a child’s faith is of the utmost importance, so here are 7 roles the family plays in a child’s faith.

The Family

The role of the Christian family in a child’s faith is of the utmost importance, so this is why I want to show you seven roles the family plays in a child’s faith. To start with, we all know that the first unit of society is the family. Nowadays, there is a growing demand to establish more Christian homes in every corner of the globe as a home where Christ resides and can be a beacon of light to the people around. Thus, the part the family plays in a child’s faith is very significant. To enlighten you even you more, I have enlisted the family’s seven roles in a child’s faith, and it begins with the child’s first school, and no, it’s not the public or private schools.


The Child’s First School

We can trace this pattern back to Eden

The family is the first school of a child. We can see it from the pattern of our first parents, with God as their first teacher. Since we don’t have the privilege of having God directly teach us, parents ought to take care as they’re the first ones to begin molding their children’s minds; well in advance before anyone else can influence them.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6).


• The influence of home education

Home education allows parents to imprint important things into their children’s minds. Lessons like respect, obedience, industry, and discipline. Sadly, many busy parents nowadays leave this particular role in the hands of those who don’t even know the Lord.

• Jesus’ education


Remember that Jesus did not secure an education from the corrupt system brought about by the priest. Instead, His first teacher was Joseph and Mary, and His lesson book was the Scripture. In the practical sense, His labors were in Joseph’s carpentry shop.

Character Development

• Character development: a lifetime process

Character development is a result of a lifetime process. This process does not begin in adulthood.

Instead, it starts during infancy, even earlier, in pregnancy. Thus, the family should be the center for the character development of every member of the household.

• God as the ultimate character developer

Parents are divinely appointed to train their children, so they must seek wisdom from the Lord in everything they do since their children are most likely to imitate the parent’s character. Godliness and love must be enshrined in the hearts of parents which comes following the character of Christ.

• Parent’s example

If children see Christ in the countenance and deportment of their parents, it will be easier for them to accept the Invisible God.

Training Ground

• The workshop of the devil

An idle mind is the workshop of the Devil. Some parents allow their children to spend countless hours playing video games, surfing the net, or watching shows on TV and online. This is dangerous because an idle mind can easily be influenced by Satan.

• Simple tasks brings joy

Like any other organization, the division of labor must first be practiced at home. Children must learn how to bear their own share of family responsibilities. By merely fixing their bed, setting the table, and keeping their toys organized after playing, they’ll begin to understand they are responsible to the family, so these tasks must be assigned to the little ones. They must realize that a life of service is a life of joy to be shared and not a burden.

“My Father is working until now, and I am working” (John 5:17).

• Work is not degrading

Parents ought to teach every member of the family that work is not degrading. God is still actively working. And the Lord wants us to use everything we have, be it our time and strength, to help alleviate others people’s burdens.


Church Membership

• Every Christian home is a church

Every Christian home is a church. How wonderful it is to invite the Spirit of Christ into the family! The atmosphere of godliness at home will make a significant impact on the life of a growing child.

• Home as a sanctuary

Instead of dreading to go home, a godly home should be a sanctuary to its members. A cheerful family with Christ as the center may safeguard the young amongst the many wiles of Satan and the world. It also prepares the children for church membership.

• Missionaries for Christ

When children are trained to read the Bible, pray, and lead in family worship at home, it is easier for them to do similar services in their church. Parents are missionaries in a sense, because their first mission field is their own children.

In this way, children are also molded to become missionaries for Christ.

Healing and Restoration

• Jesus concern for physical restoration

When Jesus was here on earth, He spent His time preaching and healing the sick. Thus, we understand that Jesus cares for the physical and spiritual restoration of man.

• The body as the temple of God

It is the role of families to inculcate into children’s minds that their bodies are the temple of God, and that they were bought with a price. Thus, they ought to glorify God with their bodies (1 Cor 6: 19-20).

• Spirituality and physiology

It is said that spirituality is tightly connected with physiology. And if families have the right mindset in caring for the body, the early years of the child can be his/her life’s greatest blessing.

Faithful Stewards

[4]• God calls us to be stewards

God calls all of us to be His stewards. Thus, children should be trained to manage their time, talents, and treasures, even at a young age. The family is a good training ground for conducting financial affairs. Children may find joy in saving or giving their tithes and offerings to the Lord.

• Wasting time means wasting valuable opportunities to bless others

Parents must teach in the hearts and minds of their children that time is the equivalency of money, thus, wasting time also means wasting valuable opportunities to bless oneself and the people around them.

• Children are accountable for what the Lord has given them

Not only in financial aspects, but children must also be taught that they are accountable for whatever the Lord has placed within their circle of influence. Thus, their neighbor, the community, the school are all mission fields to be reached. And this they must do with the utmost of delight as servants of God and heirs to the Kingdom.

Equipped for Citizenry

• God divinely appointed the human family

Each member of the family has his/her own needs that must be ministered upon. God divinely appointed the human family to become instrumental in advancing His Kingdom. Think about Jesus’ own family!

• The family is created to fulfill the member’s spiritual needs

More than just meeting the family member’s personal needs, the family is also created to fulfill the spiritual needs of a child. A child who grew up in a Christian home has far greater privileges that those in the world.

• Little by little can we achieve God’s ideal

Of course, the family of God is not perfect. Little by little, through the grace of God, they could only achieve God’s ideal for their lives with His help. Children with faithful parents will be prepared in this life and in the life to come.



The Lord is pleased when He sees parents taking an interest in their children’s spiritual, physical, and mental health well-being. He wants every child of His to be part of His bigger family in Heaven. I hope you are headed for the Kingdom too, because Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 18:3).Thus, in training every member of the family, even the little ones may be lead to faith in Christ; a salvation which is found in no other name than in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

Here is some related reading for you: How to Raise a Child in a Christian Home [6]

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[7]Author’s Bio: Chasing Hope [8] is an inspiring podcast about the Christian life where it talks about faith, hope, and some Christian history. Besides spiritual life topics, the podcast also talks about career, family, and plenty of areas that concern the listener.